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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Qualitative
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  • Abstract : Available
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  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The production of alcohol through fermentation has been known since antiquity, with the primary goal of producing alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine. The raw material is palm wine and any feed stuffy rich in carbohydrates, such as wheat, barley, cassava, grapes, yams, apple, corn, rich, potatoes, banana, and plantains.

Palm wine is derived from the gap at the raffia palm or the oil palm, both of which contain fermentable carbohydrate in solution. Its white appearance is due to a yeast suspension. As a result, it's fermentation does not require the addition of yeast from another source. Fermentation occurs at normal temperatures in tropical regions, producing alcohol and acids, particularly ethanoic (i.e. acetic) acid, as well as considerable amounts of carbon dioxide. Fresh palm wine cannot be preserved or transported in sealed containers due to the huge volume of carbon dioxide emitted during fermentation, according to experts (King & Cheethon 2017),. Because of the large quantity of fermented sugar in fresh palm wine, it is sweet. As a result, it is low in alcoholic content and hence only mildly intoxicated. According to King, fermentation occurs quickly, causing the wine to lose its sweet flavour due to a decrease in sugar content, as well as becoming more sour and intoxicating due to an increase in alcoholic content.

When fully matured, it is very sour and highly alcoholic. Of course, the alcohol produced here is mostly ethanol. However, fermentation advances based on the synthesis and characterization of alcohol from fermented palm wine are required to create a knowledge of any fermentation process. Initially, the sole source of ethanol was fermented starch or sugar, but it was subsequently discovered that ethanol could be created from crude oil. When crude oil became comparatively cheaper in the twentieth century, fermentation-based ethanol manufacturing practically vanished. But it appears that this progress has stalled, and the clock is now ticking backwards, faster and quicker, to the original source of ethanol, which is fermented starch or sugar. Many fermentation techniques compete directly with pure chemical synthesis. Fermented alcohol, acetones, butyl alcohol, and acetic acid have mostly been supplanted by synthetic alternatives. Almost all important antibiotics are derived through fermentation. Another fermentation product is dextrin. According to John (2015), the microbiological manufacturing of vitamins has also become commercially significant.

Thus, being the primary output of fermentation, alcohol has made significant contributions to technological growth. The use of alcohol in motor vehicles is not a new technological advancement. When the first "otto motor" was built, it was conceived and built to run on ethanol. Ethanol was used as a fuel in nations such as Brazil. In reality, it has been used consistently since the 1920s, albeit in modest amounts at times. However, ethanol factories were operating in the United States of America during WWII to create motor fuel and explosive for the Army. Now that crude oil prices are rising at an uncertain rate, this long-forgotten technology is reawakening.


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